Our research and impact are grouped under three interdisciplinary themes:
- People, Firms
and Places
Studies the differential impact of trade across locations, firms and individuals in the four nations of the UK, and how external factors such as Brexit, Covid-19 and the rise of China affect the UK economy.
- Digitisation and
Technical Change
Considers how governments wrestle with huge platform companies, and how digital trade affects labour markets, business models and value chains, and their regulation.
- Negotiating a
Turbulent World
Explores how to formulate UK trade policy given the challenges to trading across the UK’s borders, differences in international regulatory regimes, the need for environmental sustainability and the interaction between trade and investment.
Innovation Fund
The CITP Innovation Fund is designed to support innovative research projects on inclusive trade policy.
We will fund…
- Research projects that advance our understanding of inclusive trade policy, and could include theoretical work, methodological innovation and emerging empirical developments. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged.
- Research projects proposed and led by Early Career Researchers or in which the professional development of Early Career Researchers is a major part.
- Research projects that develop and sustain strong partnerships with partners in academia, the private, third and public sectors.
- Projects that relate to and complement the existing core research programme and that fit the general guidance.
Funding is available for projects which cost between £10,000 to £40,000 fEC. We strongly encourage smaller applications of around £20,000 as we are very limited in the number of large applications that can be awarded. Projects must be costed at 100% full economic cost (fEC) and will be funded at 80% fEC, according to UKRI guidelines.
Research into public attitudes to trade
As part of its initial research, and working with NatCen, the Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy conducted deliberative research on public attitudes towards UK trade policy, particularly aimed at understanding public views on the unavoidable choices and trade-offs that trade policy requires.
Early analysis reveals that people in the UK believe that economic growth and non-economic objectives, such as supporting human rights and combatting climate change, are both important when making decisions about trade.
Analysis of the participants’ reasoning as they decided how to make the trade-offs proposed to them reveals that fairness, regional as well as national interests, and favouring long-term over short-term outcomes were key considerations.