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4 Publications found…
Evidence 27 September 2023
Export-led growth
By Mattia Di Ubaldo, Facundo Albornoz, Ingo Borchert, Michael Gasiorek and Minako Morita Jaeger et al.
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This submission of evidence to the House of Commons Business and Trade Committee looks at opportunities for exports that can drive UK economic growth; what UK businesses need to increase exports; whether Free Trade Agreements are fit for the future and the adequacy of the Government’s Export Strategy (2021). The authors provide recommendations on how to address these issues.
Evidence 3 April 2023
Britain in the World
By Emily Lydgate, Michael Gasiorek, L. Alan Winters CB, Ingo Borchert, Phoebe Li, Minako Morita Jaeger, Mattia Di Ubaldo and Maria Savona.
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Response to the Labour Party National Policy Forum Consultation 2023 providing recommendations on trade policy and growth; digital economy and digital trade policy; international trade, worker and human rights, domestic decarbonization and environmental objectives and trade resilience and economic security.
Academic Paper 20 July 2022
Non-trade provisions in trade agreements and FDI
By Mattia Di Ubaldo and Michael Gasiorek et al.
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Preferential trade agreements increasingly feature a variety of provisions related to economic and social rights , environmental protection, and civil and political rights. This paper estimates the effect of the degree of legalization of PTAs in these non-trade provisions on the flow of bilateral greenfield FDI. The authors explore this relation in a structural gravity setting and find that all three types of non-trade provisions affect the flow of FDI negatively. This effect is driven by investments directed to middle- and low-income countries.
Working Paper 20 July 2022
Deep Services Trade Agreements and their Effect on Trade and Value Added
By Ingo Borchert and Mattia Di Ubaldo et al.
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The majority of services trade is currently transacted under the terms of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) with increasingly ambitious provisions on cross-border trade and investment in services. This paper exploits novel and detailed information on the architecture and depth of services PTAs (the World Bank Deep Trade Agreements 2.0 database) to study which provisions, or policy configurations, characterise an effective agreement. The richness of policy information is crucial for being able to identify those aspects that matter most, namely an agreement's structure, its rules of origin for firms and natural persons, and provisions that ensure accountability. This finding sheds light on how services PTAs can affect the configuration of value chain trade.