
WTO reform - Discussion with Ambassador Ølberg the WTO’s Chair of General Council

Published 5 September 2024

Series 5, Episode 1 - The WTO’s track record in updating the global trade rules that came into effect in the mid-1990s is not particularly impressive. How can the WTO be made to function better without losing its cherished status as a member-driven organization that works on the basis of consensus? The WTO’s General Council is currently grappling with the issue of how to reform the organization to make it easier to conclude new agreements and resolve disputes on the implementation of existing ones. Ahead of the WTO Public Forum next week, Chris Horseman sat down with the current chair of the General Council, Ambassador Petter Ølberg of Norway, to talk about the reforms that are needed – and the prospects of reaching an agreement to keep the organization relevant - and why he needs Taylor Swift on his side!