Beyond Trade: How deep trade agreements shape non-trade outcomes
Beyond Trade: How deep trade agreements shape non-trade outcomes (2023) CEPR eBook, edited by Ana Margarida Fernandes Nadia Rocha Michele Ruta
Published 25 June 2023
Trade agreements increasingly include disciplines aimed at achieving non-trade objectives: promoting FDI, technology transfers, workers’ movements, but also improving labor conditions, environmental quality and achieving other broader social goals. This eBook brings together a group of leading economists to investigate the economic rationale for including nontrade objectives in trade agreements and whether these disciplines actually achieve their intended goals. Includes chapters by L. Alan Winters on 'Trade agreements and non-trade objectives: A cautionary note' and Bernard Hoekman, with Mavroidis and Nelson on 'FTAs vs. other forms of regulatory cooperation'.
Author Profiles

L. Alan Winters CB