Ian Wooton
Professor of Economics
University of Strathclyde
Ian Wooton is a researcher within the Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy (CITP) and Professor of Economics at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow and currently serves as Vice-Dean (International) of Strathclyde Business School.
He studied at the University of St Andrews and Columbia University, and previously held posts at the University of Western Ontario and the University of Glasgow, as well as visiting professorships and research fellowships at universities in Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Ian is an international trade theorist, with a particular interest in trade policy and international factor movements. He has written on the welfare implications of preferential trade agreements and customs unions; the impact of international migration policies on workers; the interaction between trade and environmental policies; and the role of taxes in influencing the location of industrial activity. These interests are reflected in his teaching, where he offers classes in international trade theory, policy, and the institutions that both promote and regulate trade amongst nations.
Ian has been a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research since 1994 and a Fellow of the CESifo Research Network, University of Munich since 2006. Together with Professor Joe Francois of Erasmus University, he established the European Trade Study Group, now the major annual international trade conference in the world. He is a former Associate Editor of the Journal of International Economics and has acted as a consultant to national and international agencies including the World Bank, the European Commission, and HM Treasury.